Chronicling momentous change in our world is the job of all artists across all genres. Throughout our history, in times of great turbulence and war, in moments of extreme despair and exaltation, we have seen their work. Music and films, paintings and sculptures, poetry and prose. It is in this world of great spirit that Michael Stryder's photography exists. INSIDE is a striking collection of portraits, taken at the start of the Covid 19 Pandemic, of people quarantined in their rooms. For 60 days, in Omaha, Nebraska, Stryder took a single portrait of someone in their room, inside looking out, isolated in their world and from the world outside. There is an immediacy and a profound sense of loneliness and ennui to the work. But also an ability of the viewer to immediately grasp the subjects inner self. We are all inside, looking out, and have been for months. These photographs are a true distillation of this moment and of our world in 2020, and were captured between March 19th and May 19th 2020